Evening With Dads
Evening with Dads
Evening with Dads™ gets your men sharing their parenting challenges and triumphs (click link)—and learning new dad-involvement strategies—during an interactive event starting with a casual dinner. (You gotta have FOOD!)
The Down To Earth Dad® Founder Patrick Mitchell personally facilitates this highly-interactive celebration of engaged fatherhood against the backdrop of cool audio-visuals and meaningful Dad-to-Dad interactions.
Participating men become your core group of dads helping plan your future parent-and-family-engagement events (another reason to feed them well!)
- Gets your dads visibly engaged.
- Kick-starts your dads’ group!
- Inspires your men to volunteer more.
- Motivates your men to attend your future events.
Ask Patrick if he’s available for your chosen date. Also, consider booking a Down To Earth Dad® staff training for the next morning.
What People are Saying...
"I just talked with the wife of a dad who attended the Evening With Dads event last night. She said she’s never seen him so excited about something. He's really super-motivated now and he wants to get more involved at our program and he's looking forward to the father events and coming to the next Dad's Group meeting!!"
Melinda Contraro, Family/Community Partnership SpecialistTulalip Head Start/EHS Program Marysville, WA
"The dads are still talking about the "Evening With Dads" from last month. They loved it! I spoke with several dads who attended, and they were very impressed with it. One parent stated that you had given the dads the opportunity to express ideas and concerns. They are fired-up about getting a group together and doing some of the activities they practiced in your session!"
Carolina Johnson, Parent Involvement CoordinatorLake County Head Start, Waukegan, Illinois