Family Storytelling Night®
For Programs, Schools, and Parents...
Family Storytelling Night® is an early literacy enhancement and parent-and-family engagement EVENT that happens in your lunchroom, gym, or classroom — and for your families at home all year long!
This is for early childhood programs (early literacy), and for elementary schools (ESL-ELL family literacy), with some overlap for early childhood programs (i.e. Head Start families with English language learners).
You’ll serve food to kick things off, then introduce Patrick Mitchell who’ll carry the event from there!
(Or you’ll get the Family Storytelling Night KIT and your team will facilitate.)
Parents learn a storytelling method (without books) to enhance literacy nightly at home all year long while celebrating individual, family, and community history, heritage, and culture along the way.
Family Storytelling Night jump-starts a “storytelling tradition” in families! See a TESTIMONIAL VIDEO from a parent who attended one!
This high impact parent and family engagement event:
- Enhances early literacy at home — all year long.
- Enhances family literacy also.
- Bolsters school readiness.
- Motivates your parents to attend your future family nights (because they have a BLAST at this one)!
- Presents awesome photo-ops!
- Provides colorful make-and-take projects for each family.
- Gets your parents saying “that was the most FUN we ever had at a family night!”
- Superb early literacy enhancement evening.
- Is an awesome family literacy ELL/ESL event, too. So, invite your BILINGUAL and immigrant families!
- Empowers your parents and families to learn, grow, and connect with other parents and families program-wide.
- Celebrates parent, family and community engagement (PFCE) — so invite your community partners. The more the merrier!
- You can do a hybrid Father and Family Storytelling Night that involves your dads and grandpas specifically.
- See this Video Testimonial of a dad talking about Family Storytelling Night!
Listen to Patrick's Podcast about Parent-Child Storytelling...
Ask Patrick to personally facilitate Family Storytelling Night® in your gym, classroom, or other meeting space.
Get the Family Storytelling Night KIT and your team facilitates. You get all the informational and physical components you’ll need.